Excelling in Aviation Safety

At International Group, we have been dedicated to safety for over 12 years. Since 2014, we have only flown our aircraft with the best pilots, who receive consistent and up-to-date training. Our aircraft are carefully maintained to make our over 50,000 successful landings, the safest possible. We don’t just meet FAA regulations, we make it our everyday goal to exceed them.

ARG/US Rating

Gold Rating – The independent ARG/US rating system is the most detailed, accurate safety rating system for charter operators, and provides useful information for buyers and passengers. The Gold level is assigned to operators who meet or exceed established ARG/US standards. These standards confirm the operator’s legitimacy, safety record, and liability insurance, as well as pilot training and certification. In addition to pilot qualifications, the ARG/US Gold rating evaluates the operator’s aircraft, taking into account such factors as the equipment’s age, modern avionics, progressive maintenance, and proven safety devices such as TCAD/TCAS, FMS, and TAWS/GPWS.


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